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Avatars - Customer personas in brow business (research results)

Jan 10, 2024, Update: Jan 10, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Envisioning your "ideal Avatar" - your perfect customer - enables you to communicate confidently and authentically. This clear image guides you on when, what, and how to share information, fostering a meaningful connection and lasting impact on your audience. This article aims to help explain this based on research."

1. Background

This article draws on insights from interviews with 176 pigmentation artists, all top earners in their respective local regions. Most of these artists specialize in powder brows and microblading services, with an increasing number now offering hairstrokes services. The research, conducted between 2018 and 2023, is ongoing. Of the artists interviewed, over 143 are based in EU countries, about 18 in the UK, and 12 in other countries, mainly the US.

This article aims to shed light on the concept of "personas" in the marketing of brow businesses. It aims to provide practical insights into how this marketing strategy can be effectively utilized in the industry.

2. Client Personas Explained

What are "Client Personas” or “Avatars”?

"Client personas," also known as buyer personas or customer avatars, are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers. For artists specializing in powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading, creating client personas involves identifying and understanding the specific characteristics of the customers you aim to attract with your sales and marketing efforts. These personas are not based on real individuals but are rather a combination of various ideal customer traits. They transform statistics from mere numbers into living avatars, giving life to your marketing data.

Why Create These Avatars?

You might feel confident in understanding your clients, but creating client personas can uncover deeper insights. Consider these three interconnected issues that are the following.

Untapped Client Types

Often, artists find themselves serving a specific client type shaped by demographics or geography. This can result in a repetitive client pattern, potentially overlooking untapped market segments. Diversifying your client personas can lead to discovering new, lucrative customer groups. Misconceptions About Target Customers. If your clientele primarily consists of a certain demographic, such as young adults or older women, you might mistakenly believe they represent the entire market for your services. This misconception could lead to neglecting broader client segments that could benefit from your services.

Communication Errors

How you communicate with different age groups, like young adults versus seniors, must be tailored. Using the same communication style for all can lead to misunderstandings and loss of potential clients. You can effectively reach a wider audience by aligning your marketing message with the diverse needs and preferences of varied client personas.

Therefore, creating client personas helps identify potential customer segments, correct misconceptions about your target market, and refine your communication strategy, increasing revenue and client diversity.

3. Three Components of the Avatar

Creating "Avatars," or client personas, involves understanding three key components: geographical, demographic, and psychographic data. While this may seem complex initially, it can be simplified. Even with our team members who hold PhDs, we emphasize the importance of straightforwardness in marketing. Here's a breakdown of what you need to know for each component.

  • Geographical Data. This refers to the physical location of your clients. It includes: Country, city, or neighborhood where they live, proximity to your business location, accessibility and convenience for clients to reach you.
  • Demographic Data. This is about the statistical characteristics of your clients, such as age range, gender, marital status, occupation and income level, and educational background. Demographic data is crucial for understanding who your clients are in terms of basic societal categories.
  • Psychographic Data. This aspect delves into the psychological attributes of your clients, including lifestyle choices and interests, personal values and beliefs, attitudes towards beauty and aesthetics, motivations for seeking your services, concerns, and pain points they wish to address. Psychographic data provides deeper insights into why clients choose your services and how they align with their values and lifestyle choices.

Combining these three components creates a well-rounded avatar that reflects your ideal client. This approach allows for targeted marketing strategies that resonate with different client groups' specific needs, preferences, and behaviors. Remember, simplicity is key - focus on the main criteria in each category to effectively understand and reach your potential customers. In the following sections of this article, those aspects are explained in more detail.

4. Geographical Data

Geographical Data of Avatars

Geographical data refers to the physical location of your clients. When considering your clientele, it's not just about where they live but also their environment, whether urban or rural. Distinct preferences emerge based on these settings. For instance, our research, which involved more than 2100 customers, indicates that urban clients often keep up with the latest trends, whereas those in rural areas may lean towards classic brow styles.

Global vs. Local Social Media Growth Strategies

The geographical aspect also plays a significant role in developing social media growth strategies. If your targeted clientele is primarily in your local area, your social media followers should ideally reflect this. It's a common oversight for artists to focus on increasing their international follower base, which, while boosting numbers, may not translate into tangible business growth. This is particularly true for those employing 'white hat' techniques for account growth. Pursuing a global follower base can lead to a disconnect between your social media presence and your actual serviceable market, ultimately turning your account into a showcase of impressive follower numbers that don't contribute to real-world revenue.

Focus on Genuine Engagement, Not Just "Vanity Metrics”

Artists often engage social media marketing agencies to increase their follower count, usually with the condition that these followers are genuine and not fake accounts. While ensuring authenticity is crucial, this approach only scratches the surface of effective social media marketing. A common oversight in this strategy is the geographical relevance of the new followers. For instance, an artist in Florida may have a follower base predominantly from São Paulo, Tehran, or Rio de Janeiro. This represents a clear mismatch between the artist's actual service area and their social media audience.

Thus, when planning your social media growth strategy, it's vital to align it with the geographical profile of your intended "customer persona." For example, suppose you are based in the U.S., but most of your followers are from other countries. In that case, the effectiveness of your social media efforts in driving local business may be significantly diminished. In cases where you're considering online training or consultations for an international audience, setting up separate accounts tailored to this specific clientele might be more beneficial.

In essence, the geographical characteristics of your ideal customer "Avatar" should typically reflect proximity to your service area—preferably within a 100-mile radius. This focus ensures that your social media marketing efforts are not just about accruing "vanity metrics" but are strategically aligned with your real business goals.

5. Demographical Data

Main demographics of the ideal avatar Demographic data consists of various statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, income, education, occupation, marital status, and family size. In brow artistry, including Powder Brows and Microblading, several artists have made some conclusions that may appear distorted. This is based on their individual experiences with existing clients. Upon examining this more closely, we find that most clients are women. Practically all clients are women when it comes to these particular services. The age of the customers, however, offers a more interesting perspective.

False Assumptions Regarding Age

Artists who have often worked with younger clients tend to associate certain procedures as being "meant," "possible," or "better suited" for that age group. The opposite belief holds if their clients have generally been older. However, based on data gathered from artists across different countries, we can confidently affirm that semi-permanent brow procedures, such as microblading, hairstrokes, and powder brows, can be performed successfully on women of various ages, ranging from teenagers to the elderly.

Among all factors to consider, the thickness of the skin, potential dermatological issues, skin pigmentation, and the overall physical condition and hormonal balance of the person are far more significant than age itself. Though some may attempt to draw definitive causalities between these factors and age, no universal correlation supports such statements. Therefore, comments like "microblading can only be done to women below the age of X" often reveal bias, incompetence, or a lack of experience on the part of the person making the statement.

Gender Split and the "Purple Cows"

Our study from 2022, which involved over 3100 customers of 142 artists from 17 countries, offers deep insights into the demographics of this substantial number of clients. Regarding gender, the statistics were somewhat surprising: only 1.32% of all clients of Powder Brows and Microblading artists were male.

A glance at the social media feeds of these artists might paint a different picture, suggesting a higher proportion of male clients. This discrepancy can be attributed to the tendency of artists to upload photos of male clients more frequently. These clients are called "Purple Cows," a term coined by marketing specialist Seth Godin. When a powder brows artist performs a procedure on a male client, she is likelier to share that photo on her social media platform than photos of female clients.

These images of male clients tend to stand out, much like "Purple Cows," leading to a skewed perception, such as remembering specific artists for having performed brows on men. However, this does not imply a significant, untapped male market segment. The reality is that men generally tend to be less concerned about their brow appearance and less inclined to maintain them meticulously, unlike some celebrities like Cristiano Ronaldo.

"The Golden Group" Dominates

In examining client ages for Powder Brows and Microblading services, we discovered a remarkably consistent pattern across various geographical regions and countries. The dominant demographic is women between 25-34, constituting 49.1% of the total clientele. This age group, especially the older segment, consistently represents most customers. However, some variation is noted among artists in different countries.

This information suggests that nearly half of all clients for these services are in this age range. If your client base significantly deviates from this norm, leaning towards much older or younger groups, it could indicate unexplored opportunities within this primary demographic segment. Tapping into this “Golden Group’"might open up new avenues for business growth and client acquisition.

An Interesting Twist - Younger Fans

A notable discrepancy exists between the customer base and social media following of many Powder Brows and Microblading artists. Many artists have observed a substantial social media following among 18-24-year-olds, with percentages varying between 20-23% across different countries. In contrast, the actual paying clients from this demographic average at only 11.34%. This indicates that younger individuals show a heightened interest in brow aesthetics, but their financial investment in these services is comparatively lower. Nevertheless, experienced artists recognize the importance of engaging this demographic, as it represents a future customer base. Each year, a segment of this group transitions into the more financially stable 25-34 age range.

The Stable Segment with Good Purchasing Power

The 35-44 age group also plays a significant role, accounting for 24.29% of paying customers on average. Interestingly, for many artists, particularly those under 35, their social media followers from this demographic are substantially fewer. This gap suggests potential untapped opportunities within this age group. If less than one in four of your clients are from this segment, it might not be a case of their disinterest but rather a need for more targeted communication.

A small fraction of clientele, about 1.34%, falls within the 13-17 age group, according to reports from artists. The rest of the client base primarily comprises individuals aged 45-64 and a minority of men and older women.

In summary, the client demographics for Powder Brows and Microblading services are predominantly distributed as follows: approximately 50% of clients are women aged 25-34, about a quarter are in the 35-44 age bracket, around 12% fall within the 18-24 age group, and roughly 10% are aged 45-64. The remaining clients are younger women and men. You might overlook potential market segments if your client base differs significantly from these averages.

A Bias of Young Artists: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

An essential aspect to consider when creating customer personas is the potential bias among younger artists (aged 25-34). Many believe that older clients prefer artists closer to their age. This assumption, however, is often unfounded and can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, a concept well-known in social psychology. By presuming that older clients might have trust issues or a preference for older artists, younger artists may inadvertently exclude themselves from a valuable client segment. In reality, there is typically no strong bias against younger artists. Recognizing and addressing this misconception can open up new opportunities for many artists in the industry.

6. Psychographic Data

Your Ideal Customer's Psychographic Profile

Psychographic data delves into your customers' interests, activities, and opinions, offering a deeper understanding of their personalities and lifestyles.

  • Interests. This aspect covers the key concerns and thoughts your ideal customer regularly contemplates. For many clients of powder brows, hairstrokes and microblading artists, topics such as relationships, career aspirations, childcare challenges, and personal fitness goals are often at the forefront of their minds. These subjects dominate their thoughts and influence their decisions and choices, including selecting beauty treatments.
  • Activities. This refers to your customers' hobbies and leisure pursuits in their free time. These can range from travel and relaxation to engaging in physical activities and spending quality time with family. Parenting and the desire to excel in this role is frequently a central theme in their lives. Understanding these activities can provide valuable insights into your clients' lifestyles and how your services can fit into their world.
  • Opinions. This involves understanding your customers’ viewpoints, including societal issues, life philosophies, and global matters. These opinions reflect their core beliefs and values, and they can significantly differ from one individual to another. Recognizing these viewpoints can help you connect with your clients more personally, enabling you to tailor your communication and services to resonate better with their belief systems.

Using Psychographic Properties in Marketing

Effectively leveraging the psychographic characteristics of your ideal customer profile can be approached in two ways: creating universally appealing language or crafting targeted messages for specific psychographic segments. Here's how you can apply each method.

Universal Appeal. Crafting messages with broad appeal involves tapping into common experiences or challenges shared by many. For instance, creating an advertisement or an Instagram post that addresses the everyday challenges of parenting could resonate with a wide range of potential clients. This approach speaks to shared experiences, making your message relatable to a large audience.

Targeted Messaging. This strategy focuses on appealing to specific interests or lifestyles within your audience. For example, incorporating mentions of designer brands in your messaging can attract clients who value luxury and high-end products. This method requires a deeper understanding of the specific preferences and values of different segments within your audience.

Effective Communication:  Understanding Your Clients

Understanding your clients starts with effective communication; the key is active listening. During procedures, the most effective way to gain insight into your clients' lives is simple: ask open-ended questions and listen attentively. Refrain from jumping in with your thoughts or answers; instead, focus on what your clients share about their interests, activities, and opinions. This active listening approach not only helps in understanding their psychographics but also enhances the client experience.

Preparing to Be a Better Listener

To prepare for meaningful conversations with your clients, do some homework. Browse their social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) before their appointment to understand their interests and lifestyle. Use this information to guide your questions and discussions. This gives valuable insight into your clients’ preferences and creates a more personalized and engaging conversation.

Reflecting on Client Conversations

When crafting your marketing messages, recall specific conversations with clients. Remember their stories, challenges, and aspirations. As a newcomer to the field, focus on universally clear and non-offensive topics. Emphasize daily struggles such as balancing motherhood, work, and fitness goals. Use simple, direct language and aim for authenticity in your communication. Self-irony can be a useful tool to show relatability and sincerity.

Highlighting the Practical Benefits of Your Services

Acknowledge that while Powder Brows or Microblading won’t solve all life's problems, they offer practical benefits in everyday life. Share client testimonials highlighting the positive impact of your services, like boosted confidence, simplified makeup routines, or receiving compliments. These real-life stories resonate well with potential clients.

Identifying Common Client Concerns

Understand that many of your clients share similar concerns and needs. When communicating, use ideas and statements that resonate with at least three existing clients. Frame your messages as if speaking directly to an individual client. Common challenges for women seeking brow services include the desire for perfect brows with minimal effort, looking attractive with less makeup, managing daily tasks efficiently, and the convenience of waking up with perfect brows. Recognizing these shared concerns will help you craft messages that connect with your clientele.

7. Conclusions

Creating "client personas" is fundamental in marketing, particularly in the brow business. Despite some artists' reluctance due to a perceived lack of direct benefits, developing these personas is critical for effectively targeting new customers and building impactful marketing strategies. Think of these personas as avatars representing ideal customer segments, making them more tangible and easier to address in communication efforts.

Three Key Aspects of Client Personas

  • Geographical Data. This includes the country, city, or neighborhood where your clients live and their proximity to your business. Crucial for brow business, it's essential to align your social media follower base with the geographical traits of your avatars. A widespread follower base in large countries like Brazil or India may pose challenges in converting them into paying customers.
  • Demographic Data. This covers basic societal categories such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, income level, and educational background. It's vital to understand who your clients are. A common misconception among artists is a skewed perception of their clientele's age range. Still, data indicates that the core demographic for powder brows and hairstrokes services is typically women aged around 28-34 years. While male and other age groups are less important, targeting younger clients who will soon fit into your main demographic is strategic.
  • Psychographic Data. Delving into the psychological attributes of your clients, this data encompasses lifestyle choices, personal values, attitudes towards beauty, motivations for seeking your services, and their concerns. Understanding clients' interests, activities, and opinions is key to crafting effective marketing messages. The best way to gather this information is through direct conversations with clients, listening to their concerns, and addressing these in your marketing messages.

Understanding and constructing detailed client personas are instrumental for success in the brow business. It comprehensively analyzes geographical, demographic, and psychographic data to form a clear image of your ideal clients. This approach not only helps in identifying and attracting your target audience but also in tailoring your services and marketing efforts to meet their specific needs and preferences. Effective communication, rooted in a deep understanding of your clients, is the cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy in the competitive field of semi-permanent makeup.
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Monday, Feb 26, 2024

Lots of new ideas from this article. The whole site has helped me so much regarding building realistic analytical rational approach to my brow business.

Friday, Jan 26, 2024

I was just thinking about approaching my customer base in such a structured way. Very interesting and useful article. I like the whole site and the overall concept. Nice, I certainly consider becoming a pro member.

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