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How giveaways work in brow business (research results)

Jan 02, 2024, Update: Jan 02, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Giveaways in the brow business are often misunderstood and underestimated. However, when executed with precision and understanding, they can be powerful tools for growth. Our extensive research involving over 2,250 participants reveals the psychological mechanics behind successful giveaways. In this article we uncover strategies that can transform your approach and yield better results."

1. Background

To compose this article, we utilized material from interviews with 71 experienced PMU artists, most of whom specialize in Powder Brows, Hairstrokes, and Microblading. Over 70% transitioned to the pigmentation business within the last three years before the interviews. Most interviews were conducted between 2020 and 2023, with many ongoing related research projects. Of these artists, 54 were in EU countries, 11 in the UK, and 6 in the US. Additionally, we used information from various online research projects involving 2250+ customers, predominantly from EU countries. It was concluded that there was no significant difference in customers' psychological reactions and tendencies across countries or artists' opinions.

The article analyzes the effectiveness of so-called "giveaway" campaigns, which offer a gift or service as the prize and aim to increase an artist's reach, engagement, and following.

2. Psychological barriers

Psychological Barriers to Arranging Giveaways

Many brow artists perceive giveaways and competitions as devaluing their brand, signaling desperation, or risking the loss of potential customers. It's crucial to delve into these concerns, often rooted in psychological barriers rather than actual problems. The digital marketing team at Powderbrows.com Research Center (powderbrows.io) surveyed 2,250 customers and potential clients of brow artists from Europe, the UK, and the US who had participated in giveaways.

Fear of Brand Depreciation

One prevalent concern is that offering free services diminishes their value, affecting the artist's or brand's perceived worth. However, this belief may not be entirely accurate. The social marketing team at Powderbrows.io, having participated in numerous giveaway campaigns, found no evidence suggesting that clients perceive a lower value of a brand or artist if the giveaway is well-organized. Properly conducted giveaways can actually increase brand awareness.

Fear of Losing Customers Who Would Have Bought Anyway

In collaboration with the team at Powderbrows.io, we surveyed over 2,250 customers who participated in giveaway promotional campaigns. The survey revealed that 63% of potential customers considering getting brows from the artist and participating in the giveaway stated they would delay booking their appointment if the wait time were 20 days or less. However, among clients who had already scheduled an appointment, fewer than 4% considered postponing their appointment to see if they won the giveaway. This suggests that the fear of losing potential customers is largely unfounded.

Fear of Looking Needy or Desperate

This fear is not entirely baseless, particularly if the campaign is poorly organized. Specifically, if a giveaway mentions discounts, it's generally perceived negatively. Combining a giveaway with a discount offer can lead to more than 76% of existing and potential customers associating the artist with a need for more business. While this doesn't necessarily deter those customers from choosing that artist, it can indeed create a perception of desperation. Thus, it's crucial for artists to carefully plan and execute their giveaway campaigns to avoid these psychological barriers and potential pitfalls.

Thus, it can be concluded that these fears are not well-founded overall. In marketing, poor execution can almost always work against the artist's brand, and giveaways are no exception. However, they can effectively promote the brand and attract attention when correctly executed and spaced appropriately. As many artists have acknowledged, avoiding it is rarely a benefit if faced with a decision between organizing a giveaway or not. Properly managed giveaways can be a valuable tool for enhancing brand visibility and engagement.’

3. Psychology of Participants

The Thoughts and Feelings  of Participants in Giveaways

To truly understand why giveaways are significantly effective, it's crucial to comprehend the psychological motivations driving both clients and potential clients to participate.

Surprisingly, the "desire to win" is as compelling for many customers as the "desire to support and assist the artist." More than 86% of participants acknowledged they were motivated to participate because they found the artist likable and wanted to "support and assist" them in their endeavors. Almost half of the participants (48%) also expressed a wish to be associated with an interest in beautiful Powder Brows, Hairstrokes, or Microbladed brows.

Around one-third of the customers indicated that "showing interest in such beauty procedures publicly acts as a public declaration and self-affirming confirmation of their identity."

Attitude towards winning

When it comes to brow business giveaways, winning is not the sole objective, contrary to the well-known adage attributed to UCLA Bruins football coach Henry Russell ("Red") Sanders: "Winning isn’t everything; it's the only thing." Our surveys and client interviews clearly demonstrate that while winning is a significant incentive for entering a giveaway, it certainly isn't the only motivator. Participants are equally if not more, driven by desires to help and support the artist and publicly display their identity and preferences. Combined, These motivations maybe even more compelling than the desire to win.

What should be the true goals of a giveaway?

From a marketing standpoint, this implies that giveaway campaigns are more than just a lure for the most frugal customers eager to save money. When conducted effectively, giveaways resonate with various aspects of customers' motivations and interests, operating on several levels. Thus, as many seasoned artists stated, a good giveaway campaign helps the artist in two primary ways: by increasing brand awareness and fostering engagement. Both of which result in a larger following in the longer term.

Increasing Brand Awareness. At the most basic level, presenting your brow brand's logo with high-quality images of your work introduces and reinforces your brand to a broad audience. This exposure is crucial in making your brand recognized and connected with potential clients, and that is additionally related to the reasons why artists whould not be afraid to put themselves out there as a central focus of the campaign,

Fostering Engagement. People participate to win because they are genuinely interested in your work and want to support or associate themselves with it. Engagement can be diverse. For instance, 26% of participants might share the giveaway to help inform someone they believe would appreciate winning, while 28% might be drawn to the content's wit or humor. This indicates how a giveaway is presented can significantly influence engagement levels.

Therefore, a well-organized giveaway is crucial. It should be designed to align with your target audience's preferences and interests, ensuring resonance with different segments. This is not just about giving something away; it's about enhancing brand awareness, stimulating engagement, and ultimately generating conversions. 

4. Giveaway conversion generation

Conversion Generation: How Does It Work?

When examining data, most aspects typically align logically. However, with conversion related to giveaway leads in the Powder Brows or Hairstrokes business, the connection might seem less intuitive at first glance. Still, conversion plays a pivotal role, reflecting the true monetary value of a giveaway. The statistics illustrate that an average of 4.6% of participants actually convert when presented with an "offer they cannot refuse," even if they have not been selected as the giveaway winner.

Surprising Conversion Rate of Non-Winners

In marketing and sales promotion, many clients participating in giveaways are in the lower half, or even at the bottom, of the sales funnel. Undoubtedly, some of the 4.6% who converted might have become paying customers regardless. Despite this, the percentage is impressively high. This substantial figure alone is a compelling reason to organize various types of giveaways in the brow business.

The "Offer One Cannot Refuse”

This concept, reminiscent of a phrase from the movie "The Godfather," refers to a concrete, personal offer for a procedure that the participant did not win. It implies that the best platforms for arranging giveaways are those where artists either obtain the participant's email (through landing page forms or websites) or can contact them privately afterward. This could include hosting a giveaway on Facebook or other Meta platforms so that the participant sends a direct message first.

A vital consideration is to craft a personal, simple, and effective discounted offer, with limited availability, usually between 3 to 7 days. While it may seem tempting to extend the discounted price to a participant after this time window has elapsed, it's important to avoid doing so under any circumstances. Such exceptions do not prove beneficial.

5. What to Give Away?

Two critical criteria have proven essential when planning a giveaway in the powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading business. First, the prize should be one of the services that you actually provide, something directly connected to you as an artist. Second, it must be a service or solution appealing to many potential consumers. But what does this entail?

Avoid prizes not connected to your brand

If you choose something unrelated to your field, such as the latest iPad, this generally backfires concerning three core aspects: your branding, engagement, and conversion. Associating with typical "consumer games" dilutes your brand identity, and the engagement achieved may span too broad a demographic. Consequently, the conversion of participants later on can be significantly lower.

Avoid prizes targeted at a tiny segment

On the other hand, selecting something from your service repertoire that's suitable only for specific clients can also lead to challenges. For example, if you give away a removal procedure, the potential traction of the campaign may be much lower. This would be the case when compared to giving away Powder Brows, a Microblading procedure, or even a gift card. The gift card allows the potential winner to choose from different procedures, making it more universally appealing and likely to generate interest and conversions. 

6. Practical suggestions

How to Make a Giveaway Simple?

Understanding the essential principles of arranging a giveaway in the powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading business doesn't have to be complex. Contrary to what one might assume, it often requires less copywriting and preparation than expected. The underlying rule? Simplicity is key.

Keep the Message Brief

The shorter the message, the better. Ideally, a person wishing to participate should only complete two actions at most. These actions could include commenting and sharing, liking and direct messaging, or following and tagging. If this limit of two actions is exceeded, the promotion may become not just 33% "harder to participate in" but a staggering 78% more challenging! Thus, it pays to limit the expected actions to two, ensuring an optimal number of interested participants. 

Additionally, there is a practical aspect related to the design of the campaign image. Ideally, the central idea of the giveaway consists of two sides: what the participant has to do and what they can win for doing that should fit the image. This allows getting the attention of the possible participants already with the image if they do not read the text.

Making Tasks Simple

Many seasoned artists who have organized dozens of giveaways recommend making the tasks for the participants extremely simple. Regardless of what some marketing experts might suggest about acquiring user-generated content for your wall, this approach often fails in practice for these types of campaigns. Interest in participating can drop significantly if the process is too involved.

Consider a rule of thumb that everything related to participation should not take longer than 30 to 45 seconds. This guideline might make you reconsider if you plan to set up a participant with multiple tasks or request a "longer format opinion comment" or a video clip. Simplifying the process is often the best strategy.

By focusing on clear, concise instructions and straightforward tasks, you can create a giveaway that attracts participants and maintains their engagement, thereby optimizing the success of your promotional effort in the powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading business.

7. Emotion, Authenticity, and Imagery

Engaging Titles with Emotion

A good title is crucial for a successful giveaway; even emoticons can make it appealing. Keep the copy concise, perhaps just 2-3 sentences long. Ensure that the title is clear and includes the word "giveaway." You can create a buzz by tuning up the "drama" knob a little bit. Attention-grabbing titles that contain bold questions or statements can be quite effective. Think along the lines of "Once in a lifetime chance...", "Giveaway of the century...", "The giveaway they thought would never happen..." and "Win new brows for FREE in 30 seconds!”

However, one should never lose the connection between the title and the actual central idea of the campaigns when adding emotion to titles. Thus, a good idea is to add a title that emotionally conveys the central message of the giveaway campaign.

No Lengthy Emotional Tales

A giveaway doesn't require a reason, and it certainly doesn't need a contrived one. Telling a long story about how thankful you are to the universe for the chance to provide powder brows, hairstrokes, or microblading procedures to your clients or how your family is proud of you is unnecessary. Often, the best reason to conduct a giveaway is to give something away, attract attention, and enhance your services. You don't have to articulate it in these terms, but even this straightforward approach is preferable to an inauthentic, melodramatic tale.

Selecting the Right Picture

Choose one of your top engagement-driven, inbound lead-harvesting transformational photos. There's no need to experiment with a new photo; stick with what has been proven to work. All statistics from our research indicate that it's wise to focus on the images that have consistently shown effectiveness. 

Several A/B tests with giveaway images have demonstrated the importance of a central, attention-grabbing image complemented by smaller secondary images. The image should reinforce the main message of the giveaway, making the text on the image as critical as the image itself. It's vital not to compromise on conveying the central message of the giveaway effectively.

8. Conclusions

Many brow artists have ambivalent feelings toward giveaway campaigns, often based on emotions rather than facts. Powderbrows.com Research Center’s digital marketing branch has examined over 100 giveaway campaigns and surveyed over 2,250 customers about their opinions. Coupled with actual conversion data, this provides a more factual and realistic view of the effectiveness of such campaigns in the brow business.

Artists who are reluctant to conduct giveaways often associate them with "brand depreciation," "losing customers who would have bought anyway," and "fear of looking needy or desperate." However, research indicates that these fears are largely unfounded if the giveaway campaign is well-organized, with a single clear message and without accompanying discount offers.

The psychological reasons participants enter giveaways are more nuanced than many initially believe. Often, the driving factor is not the "desire to win" but other motives such as "helping and supporting the artist," sharing campaign information they believe is relevant to people they know, or associating their identity with the campaign's message. Therefore, the real gain for the artist from giveaway campaigns is increased following and influence through brand awareness and engagement.

A notable close to 5% conversion rate of non-winners can significantly boost profitability if a relevant and attractive offer is presented to them shortly after the winner is declared.

Choosing a prize closely related to the artist's products and services works best. Additionally, the prize should be as universal as possible, not limit the number of people entering the contest.

Simplicity is crucial for messaging in giveaways. When the user must perform more than two actions (such as liking, following, commenting, sharing), the perception of the campaign's difficulty increases steeply. Emotional appeal in the giveaway title and intriguing headlines can also be effective. When it comes to images, using those that have worked well in the past and are as simple as possible is advisable. Capturing attention and explaining the two aspects of the campaign - what the participant has to do and what they can win - in the first few seconds is key.
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Thursday, Jan 18, 2024

I have done very many giveaways in my career and they have been bangers! But I agree that you can not overdo with it! I only do one good one per month and then it will not ruin my business!

Tuesday, Jan 02, 2024

Nice article, and totally correct about giveaways. Artists should not fear that at all :)

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