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Moving from Instagram to TikTok

Feb 07, 2024, Update: Feb 07, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Moving from Instagram to TikTok offers an exciting but challenging experience, particularly for your initial posts on the new platform. Artists often look for clear guidance to navigate this shift effectively. Given the distinct differences between TikTok and Instagram, this article provides essential tips and insights to help you begin your journey on TikTok confidently and leave a lasting impression."

1. Background

This article draws upon insights from interviews with 64 pigment artists specializing in powder brows, hairstrokes, microblading, and lip blush. The majority of these artists, 51, are based in European Union countries, with 8 in the UK and 5 in the US. These interviews were part of research projects between 2021 and 2024, focusing on customer acquisition, retention, customer relationship management, and marketing strategies. Most of these projects are still in progress. The observations from these interviews have been thoroughly reviewed and organized by two senior digital marketing experts from powderbrows.io, the digital marketing division of the Powderbrows.com Research Center.

This article's primary goal is to assist artists who are considering incorporating TikTok into their marketing strategy and are about to start their TikTok account. While the article is primarily aimed at artists new to TikTok, it also offers valuable tools for more experienced artists looking to expand their presence on TikTok.

2. Platform specifics

Understanding the nuances of TikTok compared to Instagram is pivotal for brow artists looking to leverage the platform for their marketing efforts. TikTok is inherently a faster-paced environment, demanding content that instantly grabs and retains the viewer's attention, starkly contrasting to Instagram's more relaxed pace, where static images can still achieve significant engagement. For brow artists, this means pivoting towards creating more video content, particularly before-and-after videos, to captivate the TikTok audience effectively.

The essence of TikTok lies in its ability to favor videos that engage viewers within the initial seconds. With the platform's users typically having shorter attention spans, the challenge is to craft content that makes an immediate impact. Moving beyond static images, incorporating dynamic video clips showcasing your work's transformation process can significantly enhance engagement. These videos should be enriched with creative transitions, vibrant music, and compelling visuals to ensure they stand out. On TikTok, quickly capturing your audience's attention can significantly increase the visibility and traction of your content.

Transformation of Approach is Needed

Moreover, adapting to TikTok's unique content preferences is crucial, which diverges significantly from the polished, aesthetically driven approach often favored on Instagram. Many artists encounter hurdles when transitioning to TikTok because they focus on creating technically flawless and visually professional videos. While beneficial on Instagram, this mindset can lead to disappointment on TikTok, where content that is too polished or slow-paced often fails to resonate with the platform's audience. The key to success on TikTok involves embracing its distinct culture, which values authenticity and creativity over perfection. Understanding that TikTok operates under a different set of rules is the first step toward crafting content that truly engages and grows your audience on this dynamic platform.

3. Focusing on Value Creation

Starting with TikTok as a brow artist involves more than just showcasing your work; it's about creating content that genuinely adds value to your audience. TikTok's platform has diverse content types, such as reaction videos, challenges, duets, and performances. Yet, for brow artists, the key to effective engagement lies in focusing on value creation.

Value creation in content can be broadly divided into two categories: content that demonstrates how to add value or enhance benefits, and content that shows how to prevent potential damage or losses. Although both types have their merits, content focused on prevention and risk avoidance tends to capture more attention due to its psychological impact. This is because humans are naturally inclined to protect what they already possess, often prioritizing avoiding loss over pursuing gain.

For brow artists, this insight offers a strategic advantage. You can create content that educates viewers on proper brow care, highlights common aftercare errors to avoid, advises on preventing undesired changes in brow color, and guides on maintaining overall brow health. Such content not only informs but also establishes you as an authority in your field, someone who excels at their craft and cares deeply about their client's well-being.

Offering valuable information and practical tips positions you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy expert. When your audience perceives that you are genuinely invested in helping them avoid mistakes and achieve optimal results, they are likelier to engage with your content and consider your services.

Many pigmentation artists have underscored that, when in doubt, focusing on value creation is the most effective and safe strategy. This focus on value creation is a distinguishing characteristic of the pigmentation field, setting it apart from other, more entertainment-focused areas on TikTok.

4. Practical Tactics

In the dynamic landscape of TikTok, mastering the art of concise, value-driven content is crucial for brow artists aiming to captivate their audience. Given the platform's preference for brevity, with the most engaging videos typically running between 10 to 15 seconds, crafting your messages with precision and impact is essential. Here are some practical tactics to enhance your TikTok strategy.

Focusing on a Single Point

When developing your TikTok content, consider highlighting just one significant, common mistake related to brow pigmentation techniques—be it powder brows, microblading, hairstrokes, or lip blush—where your expertise lies. The objective is to deliver a concrete and actionable solution concisely. A clear, focused message, such as demonstrating the adverse effects of using the incorrect brow shape or product and then showcasing the right choice and its benefits, will resonate more effectively with your audience, providing immediate, actionable value.

Offering Three Valuable Tips

Alternatively, if you provide three tips, ensure they are coherent, concise, and benefit the viewer directly. For instance, share three expert recommendations for maximizing the use of brow products or achieving perfect brows at home. Break down each tip into digestible segments, making the advice easy for viewers to understand and implement. This structured approach helps in keeping your content engaging and informative.

Structuring Your Content

Before recording, meticulously plan the structure of your video. A clear outline of your main point(s) and how you intend to convey them is vital for keeping your content focused and impactful within the limited timeframe TikTok offers. This pre-planning ensures that every second of your video is purposeful and contributes to the message you wish to deliver.

Incorporating a Teaser

Starting your video with a compelling teaser can significantly enhance viewer engagement. A teaser, such as "Wait for the ending!" or "You won't believe what happened next," encourages viewers to watch your entire video. This strategy increases watch time and positively influences how TikTok's algorithm perceives and promotes your content. However, it's crucial to maintain authenticity and fulfill the curiosity sparked by your teaser to build trust and retain viewer interest.

Key Points to Remember When Using Teasers

  • Deliver on Your Promise. Ensure the actual content of your video matches the excitement generated by your teaser to maintain credibility and viewer satisfaction.
  • Authenticity is Key. While teasers can drive engagement, staying true to your style and message is essential. Avoid misleading or clickbait teasers that could harm your reputation.
  • Be open, and do not take it too seriously. Perfection in every video isn't necessary. TikTok's audience appreciates genuine content, even if every footage doesn't end on a spectacular note. Focusing on delivering value and enjoyable content will foster audience appreciation and engagement.

5. Most crucial principle

The essence of crafting engaging TikTok videos significantly diverges from the common belief that they require many effects and flashy editing to capture attention, akin to Instagram reels or other social media platforms. On TikTok, the pivotal moment for capturing your audience's interest is within the initial two seconds of your video. This extremely limited timeframe necessitates a direct and compelling approach, leaving no space for prolonged introductions or intricate narrative setups.

To maximize impact, you should commence your videos with a bold statement or a provocative claim that instantly grabs attention. Phrases like "Half of brow clients make this mistake!", "This can ruin your brows!" or "Brows turning blue?!" have the potential to immediately engage viewers. These opening claims must be directly relevant to the following content, ensuring a cohesive and compelling message.

Consider your TikTok video like a billboard on a fast-moving highway. Viewers glimpse it for just a moment as they scroll through their feeds. In that brief instant, you must make your message so captivating that it encourages them to pause and watch.

Moreover, when initiating your journey on TikTok, it's recommended to steer clear of filters and overly-produced effects. These elements often detract rather than add value to your content. Authenticity is key on TikTok, so convey your message in your natural voice without sound alterations. The platform champions concise and impactful content, demanding that you capture your audience's attention immediately and communicate your message with clarity and without superfluous elements.

By adhering to this principle of minimal fluff and focusing on the substance of your message, you position yourself to create content that captures attention and resonates deeply with your audience, setting the stage for meaningful engagement and connection on TikTok.

6. Choosing correct properties

Choosing the right titles and hashtags is pivotal for achieving success on TikTok, as these elements play a crucial role in enhancing your video's visibility and engagement. For value-creation videos, selecting a title encapsulating the compelling essence of your content is imperative. Videos with descriptive and intriguing titles generally attract more viewers, engaging their curiosity from the outset.

In contrast to Instagram, where hashtags can be broad or related to the overall account theme, TikTok necessitates a more precise approach. Hashtags on TikTok need to be specific and intimately connected to the content of your video. This specificity ensures that your content reaches viewers genuinely interested in what you have to offer, thereby increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Avoid Trend Surfing Initially

For Powder Brow artists exploring TikTok, it's advisable to anchor your content strategy in evergreen topics that directly pertain to your expertise. Although the allure of trending issues is vital, given TikTok's dynamic environment, foundational value in your niche - powder brows techniques, in this case - should be your initial focus. A single video that effectively communicates your knowledge and skills can significantly elevate your profile.

In the early stages, resist the compulsion to jump onto every emerging trend. Dedicate time to familiarizing yourself with TikTok's unique culture, understanding your audience, and cultivating a dedicated follower base. With a solid understanding of the platform and a clear grasp of your audience's preferences, you can more strategically engage with trends, ensuring that your content is relevant and impactful when you do.

Feedback from numerous pigmentation artists underscores that the most successful videos often revolve around original topics, not necessarily those trending at the time. A common trait among these high-performing videos is their approachable and somewhat light-hearted nature, which suggests that content doesn't need to be tied to the latest trends to resonate with viewers. Focusing on original, lighter topics can differentiate your content and attract an audience interested in your unique perspective and expertise in the pigmentation field.

7. Opportunity for Sudden Success

The journey to success on TikTok can often be surprising, with content sometimes taking an unexpected trajectory toward popularity. It's important not to lose heart if your initial videos don't achieve the desired performance. The algorithm that drives TikTok's content distribution is notoriously unpredictable, and a video's popularity can surge at any moment, even weeks after its initial posting. This unpredictability requires patience and persistence from content creators. Continue to produce and share your videos, focusing on authenticity and their value to your audience.

The platform's dynamic nature means that any piece of content has the potential to significantly boost your visibility and promote your Powder Brow services to a broader audience. Engaging with TikTok is a learning process, and the insights gained from analyzing your video performances can be invaluable. While it might be perplexing not to understand why specific videos become viral immediately, this phenomenon is common.

There is always an element of randomness

Many artists who consistently create content for TikTok have reported experiencing sudden spikes in viewership, with some videos achieving exponentially higher reach than others, often without a clear explanation for their success. This highlights a crucial aspect of content creation on TikTok: the importance of continuous production and maintaining a positive, enjoyable approach to the process.

The key takeaway is simple—keep creating new content and enjoy the creative journey. Your persistence and enthusiasm for sharing your expertise and passion for Powder Brow techniques may lead to unexpected moments of success on the platform.

8. Conclusions

As a brow artist venturing into TikTok, your strategy should pivot towards creating engaging, fast-paced video content that captures attention within the first few seconds. Unlike Instagram, TikTok demands dynamic, authentic content over polished, aesthetically driven videos. Focus on value creation by educating viewers on brow care and maintenance, leveraging the platform's preference for content that prevents potential damage or losses. Embrace the platform's culture by delivering concise messages, incorporating creative transitions, vibrant music, and compelling visuals to make your content stand out.

When crafting TikTok videos, concentrate on delivering one impactful point or up to three valuable tips, ensuring they are clear, actionable, and directly benefit your audience. Structure your content meticulously and start videos with a bold statement or teaser to hook viewers immediately. Remember, authenticity and a straightforward approach are key - avoid filters and overly produced effects, aiming for genuine engagement.

Choose titles and hashtags specific to your video's content, enhancing visibility and engagement. While tempting, avoid chasing trends initially; focus on evergreen topics within your expertise to build a solid foundation. Understand that TikTok's algorithm can be unpredictable, and success may come suddenly. Continuous content creation and a positive approach are essential, with persistence and authenticity potentially leading to unexpected success.
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Wednesday, Feb 07, 2024

I have not tried tik tok so far, but as a brow artist and PMU professional I kinda think I should.

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