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How to Get Started Doing Things That Do Not Scale

Jan 21, 2024, Update: Jan 21, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"In the dynamic world of powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading, a universal approach doesn't work. Many new artists fall into the trap of copying strategies used by seasoned artists from the past or even their current techniques. The reason? The market has evolved, and with it, the strategies for success. As a newcomer, your circumstances are distinct, your challenges are unique, and your strategies must be customized. "

1. Background

The insights for this article were sourced from 66 interviews with experienced pigmentation artists. The majority, 55 of them, are based in the European Union, with 8 in the UK and 3 in the US. Each artist involved has a minimum of 4 years of experience in the field. They have all actively employed various strategies discussed in this article to kickstart their businesses. The data spans from 2019 to 2024, with the artists confirming the relevance of these strategies in today's market. Moreover, the observations have been reviewed by two senior strategists from powderbrows.io, the digital media, marketing, and business consulting arm of the Powderbrows.com Research Center.

2. Replicating Success

The Risk of Trying to Replicate Past Success Stories

When venturing into the brow business, it's tempting to replicate someone else's success story. However, we urge you to take such tales with a grain of salt. Why? Because time and circumstances are usually entirely different!

Take, for example, a trainer who sold her car to pay for her training and then made back her money many times over. It might seem inspiring, but trying to do the same, hoping for similar results, can be risky. In its essence, that suggestion is as vague and perilous as telling someone to "buy stock to get rich." While it's true that many people have gotten rich by trading stocks, that success isn't always due to ingenious foresight. Sometimes, it's just a matter of market fluctuations.

3. The Monkey Experiment

 A Lesson in Randomness

In 1973, Burton Malkiel, a Princeton economist, declared in his book "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" that a blindfolded monkey and a well-trained professional could pick stocks. The statement wasn't based on an actual experiment with monkeys but spurred various simulated tests and discussions in the finance community.

The idea behind Malkiel's assertion was to challenge the notion that professional stock traders had an innate ability to predict market movements. Instead, he argued that much of the success in stock trading could be attributed to pure chance.

In subsequent years, various simulations and studies seemed to support this provocative claim. Some computer-generated experiments where stocks were randomly selected demonstrated results comparable to, or even outperforming, professional stock pickers.

Applying the Lesson to the Powder Brows Business

What does this tell us? That success in complex areas like stock trading or even launching a Powder Brows business can't always be attributed to a surefire strategy or a series of well-calculated steps. There's often an element of chance involved or circumstances dependent on the current beauty trends, not so much on your skillset or choices.

As you embark on your journey in the powder brows business, be mindful of your unique situation, resources, and market. Success stories can inspire and guide you but shouldn't be copied verbatim. What worked then will not work now.

4. Past Success vs. Present

The Early Days of Microblading: Opportunities and Success

Let's look at a real-world example to illustrate the importance of adapting to market changes. If you learned microblading in 2016, it almost didn't matter how skilled you were or if your hands shook during the procedure. In many regions, a line of potential customers was waiting at your door to get the service. It was a rising market where an artist could win big, even if she made various mistakes. The service was new, it was hot, and people loved it.

Don't misunderstand; microblading has continued to grow every year since then. However, the number of artists has also grown exponentially. In 2016, there were many European regions where professional artists couldn't serve all the customers who wanted the service. There was a scarcity of artists compared to potential customers.

The Changing Landscape: More Competition and New Challenges

But now, the tables have turned. The ratio of artists to customers has changed, and many more artists compete for the same customers. What does this mean for someone entering the field today? It means that even if you were to employ the best strategies that worked for artists at the start of their careers in 2016, those strategies might not lead to success today. The landscape is absolutely different!

Understanding the market dynamics is crucial as you venture into the Powder Brows or microblading business. Strategies that once yielded tremendous success may now be outdated and ineffective. The ever-growing number of competitors requires innovative approaches, superior skills, and constant adaptation to customer preferences and market trends. In simple terms: What worked for starting artists years ago will probably not work for you today because the circumstances and market situation are absolutely different.

5. Do not try the impossible

The Advantage of Seasoned Artists

It's essential to recognize that just as the past success of starting artists can't be replicated one-for-one in today's world, the strategies seasoned artists use today may not be easily transferable to your situation. Seasoned artists with an organic following of tens of thousands of real users, not fake followers, and portfolios featuring hundreds or more than a thousand before-and-after photos enjoy certain advantages. They can employ unique strategies to attract inbound leads and have to hustle a lot less. They can also rely more on repeat business.

The Challenge for New Artists

If you're starting, you don't have those privileges. Attempting to replicate such strategies used by seasoned artists may not be effective and could even be detrimental to your growth. When you're new to the Powder Brows or microblading business, you're in a different position with unique challenges and opportunities.

Instead of merely copying the paths of others, it's vital to analyze your situation, understand your target audience, and develop strategies tailored to your specific stage of business. 

The journey of becoming a successful artist in the Powder Brows or microblading field is highly individual. While learning from others is valuable, blind imitation without consideration for your unique situation can lead to frustration and stagnation. 

6. Do Things That Don't Scale

Paul Graham, a renowned entrepreneur and investor in Silicon Valley, coined the phrase "do things that don't scale" in one of his insightful essays. But what exactly does he mean by this, and how can it be applied to an artist starting a brow business?

What does doing things that do not scale mean?

In his article, Graham emphasizes that start-ups, especially in their initial stages, should focus on growth, even if it means adopting methods that may not be sustainable in the long run. This can include offering more personalized customer service and making exceptions, personalized follow-ups, etc.

  • Personalized Customer Service. Offering one-on-one interactions, personalized follow-ups, and customized solutions that can't be maintained when the customer base grows.
  • Manual Processes. Doing tasks manually that could be automated but without the current need or means to do so. You should not be afraid to do things that include heavy manual effort.
  • Highly Targeted Marketing. Focusing intensely on a small and specific target audience rather than casting a wide net. You have to recruit new clients manually and work more on each case.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Do Things that Seem Inefficient. Graham encourages embracing methods that may seem inefficient if they create value.
  • Delight the Customer. Graham argues that going above and beyond to delight a customer can lead to word-of-mouth marketing. 

7. Un-scalable Things in Brow Business

In the world of the brow business, the phrase "do things that don't scale" takes on a unique meaning. As a new artist, there are actions and strategies you can implement that may seem unconventional, even impractical, but can help you carve out a niche for yourself. Inspired by Paul Graham's wisdom, these strategies might not be suitable for seasoned artists but are perfect for a fresh face in the industry.

Extra Tempting Offers for Customers You Want to Attract

Imagine giving huge discounts or even free retouches to lure those perfect clients to your table. Approach them like a model, showering them with special attention. This isn't just about a price reduction; it's about building trust and showcasing your talents, turning an ordinary client into a lifelong friend. 

Building Incentives for Influencers

Networking with micro-influencers can put your name on the map. Offering gift cards or other incentives to those who can refer you to an influencer can amplify your reach, translating into more bookings. It's not about bribing but building mutually beneficial relationships.

Giving Out Free Procedures

A buy-one-get-one-free approach or even a free trial can create a buzz around your services. When friends come together, the experience becomes more than a mere procedure; it turns into a memorable outing. Such offers make your studio a destination, not just a service.

Going Outbound

Engage with local lash artists, nail artists, and salon owners. Offer them free brows, but not just as a gift – as an introduction to what you can do. It's a partnership where their promotion of your skills becomes a testament to the quality you offer. Every day, they meet many of your potential customers, and you should not underestimate that.

Driving to Customers

If clients can't come to your town, why not visit them? Collaborate with local salons and offer your services on their premises. Make it a special event, something unique and extraordinary. It's not just about convenience; it's about getting more chances to do what you love at different locations.

Creating Regular Giveaways

Regular giveaways aren't about losing money; they're about gaining attention. Contact those who didn't win and make them an irresistible offer. 

Paying for Referrals from Each Customer

By spending extra time with your clients, you can make them feel special. Offer discounts for referrals at the moment of payment and turn satisfied customers into ambassadors for your brand. This is a form of paying for referrals - does it sound mad and un-scalable? That is exactly what you should do in the beginning!

Being Loud in Marketing

Be proud and vocal about your talents. List the reasons why you're the best choice in the area. Bold statements make people take notice, and they may find your confidence not just appealing but reassuring.

Unapologetically Using Multiple Photos of Each Client

Photos aren't just proof of your work; they're your portfolio's lifeblood. Use different angles, close-ups, and headshots to showcase your artistry. Make people see the demand and the satisfaction in each smile you create.

Reserving More Time to Turn Customers into Agents

As a new artist, time is a luxury you can afford. Spend hours with your clients if needed. Ask them questions, make them comfortable, and listen to what they have to say. It's not just about filling your appointment book; it's about lasting relationships. Turn all such customers into field agents who find new leads for you and incentivize them. How? Well, offer to pay them a certain sum from each lead they send towards you who turns into a customer.

These methods may not be scalable in the traditional sense, but they can potentially launch a thriving career in the Powder Brows or microblading industry. They're about building trust, forging relationships, and turning ordinary clients into loyal followers. It's about being not just an artist but a friend, a confidante, and a part of their lives. Your success may lie in these unscalable efforts, turning them into an art form.

8. Conclusions

Navigating the Risks of Replicating Success

The journey into the brow business is often inspired by success stories, yet blindly replicating these can be risky. Every success, like the case of a trainer funding her training by selling her car, is rooted in specific circumstances. Just as buying stock doesn't guarantee wealth, emulating another's path in the brow business doesn't assure success. Recognize the uniqueness of your situation and tailor your strategies accordingly.

Randomness in Success: The Monkey Experiment

Burton Malkiel's assertion in "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" that success in stock trading can be as random as a monkey’s choice is a lesson in randomness applicable to the Powder Brows business. Success can be influenced by chance, highlighting the need for a unique approach rather than a copy-paste strategy.

Market Dynamics: Past vs. Present

The early days of microblading saw rapid success due to market novelty and low competition. However, with more practitioners and heightened competition, the current landscape demands innovative strategies. Due to these market changes, what worked in 2016 won't necessarily work now.

Understanding the Limitations for New Artists

As a new artist, it's crucial to understand that the strategies of seasoned artists aren't directly transferable. Seasoned artists benefit from established followings and portfolios, which new artists lack. Crafting strategies that suit your unique stage in the business is essential.

Paul Graham's Philosophy: Do Things That Don't Scale

Paul Graham's advice to focus on growth through unscalable methods in the early stages is pertinent for new brow artists. Personalized service, manual processes, and targeted marketing are key. Embracing methods that seem inefficient can create immense value.

Unconventional Strategies for Brow Business Success

Implementing unscalable yet impactful strategies can define your success in the brow business. Tempting offers, networking with influencers, free procedures, engaging with local artists, and mobile services are some tactics that can set you apart. Regular giveaways, referral programs, bold marketing, comprehensive photo use, and investing time in client relationships are crucial. While not scalable in the traditional sense, these efforts build trust, forge lasting relationships, and convert clients into loyal followers.

In summary, success in the Powder Brows or microblading industry hinges on understanding market dynamics, avoiding replicating past strategies, and embracing personalized, unscalable methods. Your journey should be as unique as your artistry, focusing on building connections, adapting to market changes, and creating your path to success.
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Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024

Really good article that makes you think. Getting started in brow business is very hard and many have illusions about it.

Sunday, Jan 21, 2024

Right stuff, I love the straightforward and sophisticated approach. Many artist are weak on designing their business and try to do what worked years ago. In this sense I totally agree.

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