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How to get started after the training

Feb 12, 2024, Update: Feb 12, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Starting your journey as a brow artist? Welcome to the 'honeymoon period'’ where the thrill of newly acquired skills can sometimes lead to a phase of expectant waiting. But remember, in this industry, 'aggressive waiting' could be your worst enemy. Any action, any marketing strategy is infinitely better than inaction. This article will explore navigating this initial phase, offering clear principles and practical suggestions to hit the ground running. "

1. Background

This article is based on observations from interviews with over 91 different pigmentation artists who mainly provide powder brows, hairstrokes, microblading, and lip blush services. These artists have transitioned to the pigmentation business from some other field and have at least three years of experience. Most of the research projects from these interviews have taken place during 2020-2024, and many are still ongoing. Out of the artists participating, most (78) are from the countries of the EU, 9 from the UK, and 4 from the US.This article aims to provide practical advice for starting artists on how to get started right after completing pigmentation training, such as powder brows.

2. The Honeymoon Phase

For many burgeoning brow artists, taking the initial step is often the hardest. Depending on the location, they've invested significantly in intensive training courses, with costs ranging between USD 1,000-3,000. Upon completing this rigorous training, they eagerly set up their Instagram accounts to showcase the exceptional work they've achieved with their models. But what comes next? They find themselves in a 'waiting game' mode, eager for clients to discover them. If there's one thing that will lead to failure, it's "aggressive waiting," especially during this period.

Right After Live Training

This phase is often called the 'honeymoon' period in the industry. It's a time when the excitement and enthusiasm from the training are still fresh, and there's ample content to share on social media. However, this period can also be uncertain as they eagerly anticipate their following clients. This is also the "make it or break it" timeframe, where it becomes apparent whether the person starts providing the service.

To maximize your chances of success, you should take three critical steps during this 'honeymoon' period, which we'll discuss in detail next.

The most crucial key idea is to utilize this period and take action immediately. Although many artists believe that sitting back for a while and waiting is a good idea, practical research indicates that the most effective approach is to not waste any time and get moving right out of the gate.

3. The Power of the 3Fs and New Identity

Based on the experience of many seasoned artists, the classical first move is to leverage your network to get the first models. The first key is related to simply accomplishing procedures. Here, we introduce the concept of the 3Fs. The term "3Fs," famous in the startup world, stands for 'Friends, Fools, and Family.' These groups are typically the first investors or supporters of anyone starting a new venture. This concept applies equally in powder brows artistry when launching your own business.

In the startup scenario, the 3Fs are the initial individuals willing to invest in your vision before you have concrete results to show. In the context of the powder brow business, the 3Fs are the people in your network who would be open to trying out your services, whether at a lower fee or even for free. They provide an invaluable opportunity to gain hands-on experience, build your portfolio, and develop your identity as a brow artist.

The Importance of Practical Experience

The Importance of Experience and Portfolio Building. While having a full calendar of paying clients is the ultimate goal, it's crucial to understand that the initial stages of your career in brow pigmentation are about gaining experience and building credibility. At this stage, you should focus on growing your practical experience and portfolio rather than trying to charge high fees.

By offering your services at a lower cost or even for free to your 3Fs, you can quickly accumulate real-world experience and practical skills. Every procedure you perform, every brow you work on, adds to your understanding of the craft and boosts your confidence as an artist. Remember, people don't just pay for a service; they pay for the assurance that the service will be executed with skill and precision.

Internalizing the Identity of a Brow Artist

Moreover, performing actual procedures is instrumental in developing your unique identity as a brow artist. Each client and each brow shape you work on enhances your style and technique. You will gain insights into customer preferences, concerns, and expectations as you interact with more people. These experiences shape your approach to service delivery, allowing you to refine your techniques and cater to diverse client needs.

In the simplest terms, leveraging your network of friends, family, and willing volunteers is a tried and tested strategy to gain experience, build your portfolio, and carve out your identity as a brow artist. This phase is not about becoming rich with the brow business or making money immediately. This phase is about making the giant leap of doing the brow procedures and getting used to delivering the service from start to finish successfully.

Thus, the predominant thing is getting used to the changed lifestyle of a brow artist and absorbing the role by internalizing the conception of oneself as an artist, such as a powder brows artist.

4. Overcoming Analysis Paralysis

Quick Decisions and Startup Progress

One common pitfall for starting your powder brow business is becoming entangled in the web of perfection, whether it's about finding the perfect domain name, Instagram handle, or branding for your social media accounts. This indecision can lead to a state known as ”analysis paralysis,” where overthinking results in no action or decision-making.

In truth, while a catchy domain name and handle are great, they are not everything. Often, the best ideas come to you in the first 24 hours. After this, you may spend weeks attempting to refine these initial ideas, only to find that you still favor the names you thought of at the beginning.

Flexibility in Naming

It’s about getting started and making progress, not perfection. Understand that your initial decisions don't have to be permanent. You can always rebrand or change your name later on. What is crucial is that you take the leap and get your website and social media accounts - like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok - up and running. This step alone will push you to generate content and engage with your audience, supporting your 3F strategy and overall business progress.

Feeling stuck about the perfect brand name? Consider using your name. After all, your brand as a brow artist is integral to your business identity. Securing a .com domain under your name can be a smart move. Align this with your social media handles for a consistent brand across all channels.

Explore our other articles on powderbrows.com for insights into managing multiple accounts and harnessing the power of personal branding in the international brow business. Understand that perfection is not the goal here. It's about progression, building your brand, and launching your powder brow services to the world. Don't let analysis paralysis hinder your startup journey. Time is of the essence, so seize the moment, leap, and dive into the exciting world of PMU.

Based on observations from many active artists, one of the things they pointed out most, which was slowing them down, was overthinking in the initial phases. Many said that when they started, they often had a false perception that “everyone else already had a perfect brand,” and everything they came up with sounded inferior. Many have later pointed out that little did they know how much more similar than different their approach was to artists who had already successfully started their businesses. Using modern tools (such as brandsnap.ai), many beginning artists could develop better names and brands than those who had started before such tools were available. The only problem was internal - a lack of certainty, and the artists said that once they got over this problem, they realized they were competing at the same level.

5. Standing Out and Making Noise

Unleashing Bold Marketing

As a budding pigmentation artist, chances are not many people are aware of your services yet. But here's the silver lining: you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's time to dive into marketing strategies that might seem a bit audacious or unorthodox, but these strategies can yield outstanding results.

Consider crafting irresistible offers when seeking models for your portfolio. Challenge conventional marketing norms and encourage your friends and network to share your posts. Be open and transparent about your goals. Share that you're in the early stages of your business journey, where gaining visibility and gathering initial models is critical.

Leveraging Social Media

Making Connections and Building Relationships. Be Bold, Be Heard. Don't hesitate to contact potential clients or models via social media. Send DMs to individuals interested in your services and offer incentives like free retouching sessions. At this stage, every move counts, and no effort should be underestimated. The worst thing you can do right now is not take any action.

Remember, your goal is to "jump on the table" and announce, "Here I am, look at me!" with confidence and flair. This might not be the tactic you'd employ at your uncle's birthday party, where everyone already knows you. But in your role as a rising Powder Brows artist, you're in a different arena. Boldness, audacity, and a hint of surprise can be your best allies.

You can refine and adapt your marketing strategy over time. But during these initial stages, focus on grabbing attention and establishing your name. With determination and creativity, you'll navigate this early phase successfully, carving out your space in the bustling world of brow artistry.

Once again, one of the biggest regrets of many artists who have become successful later on was the internal fears that held them back from trying different sales methods, launching campaigns and giveaways, and advertising their services more aggressively. When an artist starts, there are no specific rules on how much, when, and with which methods they can advertise, search for models, and offer discounts. Basically, for a starting artist, practically everything is allowed. Many artists who got started successfully said they often had multiple campaigns running simultaneously, accepted practically all inbound clients, offered deals whenever necessary, and, in general, risked a lot more to get the business started.

6. The Best Attitude - Honesty

Finally, regarding the attitude that has proven the most effective when launching the business, there is a consensus that “honesty is the best policy.” Whenever starting artists are asked why they are doing all that, what is behind their aggressive marketing and sales efforts, why they ask for feedback and testimonials so actively, do procedures for free, approach models themselves by writing direct messages to them, not just waiting for inbound requests, the answer is simple.

The key is remaining honest and straightforward. There is nothing wrong if the starting artist admits that they are entering the business, grabbing new territory, and doing those activities with the single purpose of sales and marketing to get new clients. Such an open attitude is often surprising for some customers or onlookers who ask about it; however, it rarely ever backfires. Instead, the opposite is true. Remaining honest liberates the artists themselves to take on new challenges and approach the business with a bold attitude.

Additionally, many seasoned artists have confessed that they often had second thoughts and believed they had to develop a “politically correct” and modified version of their extraordinarily active start. However, when they realized that it is much better to acknowledge the need to market heavily at the beginning and confess it, they realized that this gave them much more energy to continue.

7. Conclusions

Starting a career in brow pigmentation, such as powder brows, immediately after training is a journey filled with potential and challenges. As an artist, you should embrace the "honeymoon phase" by leveraging your network, including friends, fools, and family (the 3Fs), to gain early experience and develop your identity. Offering services at a lower cost or accessible to these groups can rapidly build your practical skills and portfolio, crucial steps towards establishing credibility.

To overcome analysis paralysis, make quick decisions about your business identity, such as choosing a domain name and social media handles. Remember, perfection is not the goal at the start; progress is. Using your name for branding can offer a consistent and personal touch across platforms.

Bold marketing and leveraging social media for direct engagement with potential clients are advised. Be audacious in your marketing strategies, crafting irresistible offers and utilizing social media to its fullest by reaching out directly to potential models and clients. This proactive approach will help you stand out and make noise in the competitive PMU industry.

Honesty is the best policy when explaining your aggressive marketing and sales efforts. Admitting your ambitions and strategies can be surprisingly effective, fostering trust and transparency with potential clients. Acknowledging the necessity of marketing heavily at the start will set realistic expectations and empower you to tackle new challenges with a bold attitude.

In summary, starting artists should actively use their networks, embrace bold marketing strategies, maintain honesty in their sales efforts, and focus on gaining practical experience to launch their careers in the brow business successfully.
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Wednesday, Feb 14, 2024

I just finisted one powder brows training and this article proved to be extremely useful in this context.

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