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Instagram Content Strategy

Feb 02, 2024, Update: Feb 02, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Creating an engaging Instagram post is just the beginning. The true secret to increasing engagement is a well-thought-out content strategy. If your Instagram feed looks like a random mix of personal updates and pushy sales pitches, it's no wonder potential customers quickly lose interest. The key is to find the right mix of self-promotion, valuable information, and entertaining content that connects with your followers. This article is designed to guide you toward a more organized approach to your Instagram posting strategy, helping you capture and keep your audience's attention. "

1. Background

This article draws on insights from 71 interviews with pigmentation artists. These artists specialize in powder brows, hairstrokes, microblading, lip blush, and other pigmentation methods. The interviews were part of research projects focusing on customer acquisition, retention, and satisfaction. They took place between 2021 and 2024, with some still ongoing. Among the artists interviewed, 63 were from the EU, 6 from the UK, and 2 from the US. Furthermore, all observations from these artists were reviewed and organized by two senior experts from powderbrows.io, the digital media marketing arm of the Powderbrows.com Research Center.

This article aims to help novice and experienced artists recognize the importance of a structured and carefully considered approach to Instagram posting strategies and develop a strategy that delivers tangible results.

2. Engagement and Content Strategy

Navigating the Instagram landscape can be challenging for businesses, particularly for our readers at Powderbrows.com, who may wonder why their posts don't achieve the same level of engagement as their industry peers. The key to solving this puzzle often doesn't lie in the specifics of individual posts but in adopting an overarching strategy. This discussion highlights crafting posts that capture attention and connect with your audience.

No One-Hit Wonders on Instagram

Put, success on Instagram should be evaluated over the long term. At powderbrows.io, we constantly analyze vast amounts of data, and our findings suggest that due to recent changes in Instagram algorithms, achieving success with a single post is highly unlikely, almost impossible. The occasional viral hit on TikTok, driven by unique circumstances, doesn't translate to Instagram's algorithmically complex environment.

The Importance of a Content Strategy

A clear, long-term focused strategy has proven to be the most effective approach. This is essentially the only way to develop a structured method that allows for adjustments and understanding of what needs to change. Random and sporadic posting eliminates the possibility of improvement and the development of any strategy, as it prevents comparing current efforts with past performance.

Artist Core Personality Traits and Structured Approach

Many pigmentation artists might not acknowledge it, but the truth is that the very personality traits that aid in creating exceptional brows, such as creativity and openness, may not necessarily contribute to developing a rigidly structured and systematic content strategy for Instagram or other channels. Recognizing that the artists themselves might be the primary obstacle to creating a functional and effective posting strategy is crucial.

3. Understanding Types of Content

Breaking Down the "3 + 1" Types of Instagram Content

Instagram content can be classified into four main categories. Recognizing these categories is crucial for refining or creating an effective strategy. Success on Instagram is seldom achieved through random posting or merely meeting quantitative targets. Successful organic growth follows a pattern that begins with understanding these content types.

Even a basic strategy with simple weekly patterns is more beneficial than no strategy, as it can be refined over time, whereas random posting stays random. Let's explore the four types of content into which most posts, reels, and stories fall.

Sales-Focused Posts

These posts aim to drive sales, featuring a clear offer and a compelling call to action. Contrary to the belief that sales-focused posts may not perform well due to users' lack of immediate buying intent, their success depends on the product and context. Posts promoting last-minute openings for model seats at training sessions can be particularly effective for brow artists.

Value-Adding Posts

Value-adding posts provide users with something beneficial, such as hacks, tips, educational content, or warnings about potential pitfalls. Even if not directly related to Permanent Makeup (PMU) or Powder Brows, original content can significantly impact the brow business.

Entertainment-Focused Posts

Entertainment plays a vital role on Instagram, similar to TikTok. For brow artists, using self-deprecating humor, sharing funny anecdotes, or showing a willingness to laugh at oneself can be very effective. Behind-the-scenes compilations of brow creation, humorous experiments with pigment mixing, or trying new techniques also make for great content.’

The "Plus One" - Pointless Posts

The fourth category, the "+1", typically includes random life updates or activity reports that lack intrigue, entertainment value, or sales intent. These are aimless posts, often just photos without a story or context. While it's human sometimes to create such content, it doesn't help engage the audience or grow the brand.

Understanding and applying these four content types allows for a more strategic analysis of one's feed and the feeds of other brow brands, helping to identify strategic patterns or highlight randomness.

4. Eliminate pointless posts first

Eliminating Pointless Posts for Improved Engagement

The crucial first step to enhance your Instagram engagement is to remove "pointless posts" from your content plan. These posts, often centered on the account owner's personal life, may not engage potential clients as intended. While your lifestyle might intrigue you, it may not hold the same allure for your followers, nor does it necessarily translate into an expanded customer base.

Posts focusing solely on personal activities or experiences without providing tangible value to followers are less likely to convert them into clients. Even aesthetically pleasing images of your lifestyle may fail to garner the attention you seek if they lack relevance or connection to your services.

The recommendation is to significantly reduce posts that focus on yourself or lack meaningful content. These "pointless posts" do not contribute value, insight, or engagement; they merely exist without enhancing your feed. By eliminating such content, you can tailor your feed more effectively to your audience's interests and needs, leading to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

The Exception of Temporary Content

However, it's important to note that the advice above applies mainly to permanent posts on your feed, not to temporary content like stories, which are not saved. Many artists and data analysis findings suggest that stories and other forms of temporary content can be more spontaneous and encompass a wider range of material, including what might be considered "pointless" in other contexts. This more flexible approach to temporary content is beneficial, driving traffic to the main feed, which should consistently offer more value.

5. Typical 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 Content Pattern

According to feedback from numerous artists, an effective strategy for boosting engagement on Instagram involves a 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 content creation approach. This method ensures a balanced mix of posts that offer value, promote sales, provide entertainment, and eliminate pointless content.

Two for Value

The strategy starts with two posts designed to add significant value to your followers. These could showcase the transformational effects of your brow services across different brow and skin types or offer insights, tips, and tricks to help clients understand and value your work more. For instance, you might explain the process of selecting the right Powder Brows service or detail aftercare tips for brow maintenance. The full caption length (2200 characters) is crucial to convey your message without overwhelming your audience with too many ideas in a single post.

An additional observation from experienced artists is that posts offering valuable advice should include a distinctive element or visual design. This helps potential clients recognize the value of the post from the image itself.

One for Sales

Then, create a post with a direct call-to-action (CTA) related to your services. This could be an encouragement to book a session, an introduction to new offerings or gift cards, or a stunning brow transformation with an enticing offer. Aim for posts that showcase transformations and add something unique to make them more appealing and valuable to your audience.

One for Fun or Entertainment

The fourth post should introduce humor or a personal touch. This could be a behind-the-scenes look, a throwback post, or a casual snapshot highlighting your personality beyond professional life. There's no strict format for these posts; the key is to share observations from your life as an artist in a lighter, non-sales-focused manner. This approach helps humanize your brand, making it more approachable and relatable to your followers.

By following this 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 pattern, artists can create a well-rounded Instagram feed that engages followers, encourages conversions, and enhances personal connection without resorting to filler content.

Zero for Selfish Empty Reports

The "zero" in the 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 content strategy emphasizes excluding "pointless" posts. These posts fail to add value to your brand or help your audience understand and engage with your work. It's crucial to avoid overestimating the interest in updates about your lifestyle or sharing inconsequential messages about your daily choices.

Implementing this subtle yet impactful adjustment in your content strategy can significantly enhance engagement. By prioritizing content that meets your audience's needs and interests, you're more likely to attract them to your brand. This approach ensures your followers understand that your main goal is to provide them with value rather than simply broadcasting your lifestyle.

This strategic focus improves the relevance of your content and strengthens the connection with your followers, making your brand more trustworthy.

6. The first steps

First Steps in Developing an Instagram Content Creation

Understanding the intricacies of a successful Instagram presence begins with acknowledging that no singular, ideal content creation strategy fits all. The essence of crafting an effective strategy lies in its adaptability and the foundational support it provides for initiating the process of building and nurturing an Instagram account. A pivotal aspect of any content creation strategy is its ability to transition an artist from sporadic and unstructured posting to a more disciplined and scheduled approach. This change alone can significantly enhance the effectiveness of an artist's Instagram engagement efforts. Even if the sole benefit of adopting a content strategy is to promote regular posting habits—thereby avoiding the common pitfall of intense activity followed by prolonged inactivity—it can be deemed highly valuable.

The Week as a Strategic Unit

For those embarking on the journey of content strategy implementation, a weekly framework has proven to be highly effective for numerous successful artists. This approach typically involves planning for 4-6 posts each week, scheduled on specific days, encompassing a variety of content types. A common pattern might include a combination of value-driven posts, sales messages, entertainment content, a more in-depth value post, and one flexible slot. This flexible slot is designed to accommodate content that best suits the week's particular needs or goals, be it an additional sales message, a value post, or an entertaining piece. Such a structure ensures that 80% of the content strategy is predetermined, allowing for 20% creative freedom.

Extensive data analysis has substantiated this balance between a structured, scheduled approach and the allowance for spontaneity. The findings indicate that this ratio promotes effectiveness and fosters a conducive environment for creativity. The most significant advantage of adopting a structured strategy is the accountability it imposes on the account owner or artist. It encourages adherence to a systematic approach, instrumental in achieving long-term benefits. By maintaining a consistent and engaging presence on Instagram, artists can significantly enhance their visibility, engagement, and success on the platform.

In conclusion, the journey towards establishing a robust Instagram presence is marked by the strategic planning and execution of content. A well-thought-out content creation strategy, characterized by a blend of consistency and flexibility, is key to unlocking the potential of one's Instagram account. Through disciplined posting and integrating varied content types, artists can captivate their audience, foster engagement, and build a lasting connection with their followers.

7. Conclusions

In this article offer practical advice for initiating an Instagram content strategy based on comprehensive data analysis from various accounts over the years and insights gathered from interviews with numerous pigmentation artists.

  • Develop a Structured Content Plan. Begin by outlining a strategy that incorporates a mix of content types. This structure should include value-adding posts, direct sales calls-to-action, and entertainment content. Avoid posting content that lacks purpose or relevance to your audience.
  • Adopt the 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 Formula. Aim for two value-adding posts that educate or inform your audience about your services or provide useful tips. Include one post designed to directly promote your services and another to entertain and engage your audience personally. Ensure zero content serves no meaningful purpose or fails to engage your audience.
  • Schedule Your Posts. Implement a weekly posting schedule that balances consistency with flexibility. This approach allows for the systematic release of content while leaving room for spontaneous posts that react to current trends or audience feedback.
  • Focus on Engagement. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage interaction with your followers. Engagement is key to building a loyal community and enhancing your content's reach.
  • Analyze and Adjust. Review your content's performance regularly to understand what resonates with your audience. Use these insights to refine your strategy, adjusting content types, posting frequency, and engagement tactics as needed.
  • Leverage Temporary Content. Use stories and other temporary content formats to add spontaneity to your posting strategy. This content can be more personal or experimental, providing a behind-the-scenes look at your work or sharing momentary thoughts.
  • Eliminate Non-Contributing Content. Avoid posting content not supporting your brand's growth, engagement, or audience understanding. Focus on posts that offer value and contribute to your strategic goals.

Thus, as an artist, starting with a clear content creation strategy for Instagram is essential for building a structured, engaging presence that resonates with your audience. You should focus on a balanced mix of content types, including value-adding posts, sales-focused content, and entertainment, while strictly avoiding "pointless" posts that do not contribute to your brand's growth. Implement a 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 pattern: two posts should offer significant value through tips, insights, or showcasing your services' transformative effects; one post should directly promote your services with a clear call-to-action; and another should entertain, bringing a personal touch or humor to your feed. This approach ensures that 80% of your content is planned, leaving 20% for spontaneous creativity, a balance proven effective through extensive data analysis.

By following these steps and continuously refining your approach based on data analysis and audience engagement, you can develop a robust Instagram content strategy that supports the growth and success of your business in the competitive field of pigmentation artistry.
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Friday, Feb 09, 2024

Interesting and useful article. I implemented a similar approach and i must say just the system alone, any system is already super progress.

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