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Practical tips for creating Tik Tok videos in brow business

Feb 01, 2024, Update: Feb 01, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Creating engaging TikTok videos can effectively expand your audience and enhance engagement, yet many artists grapple with finding the perfect balance in planning, filming, and editing. This often leads to excessive time spent on production without meeting desired outcomes. This article explores practical strategies for efficient time management and planning, helping you streamline your TikTok video creation for better results."

1. Background

This article draws from interviews with 45 pigmentation artists specializing in powder brows, hairstrokes, and microblading. Most of these artists, 38, are based in EU countries, with 5 in the UK and 2 in the US. The research, which spans from 2021 to 2024, includes ongoing projects. Each artist involved has consistently produced many TikTok videos and focused on strategies to rank these videos on TikTok effectively. The observations from the artists were reviewed and systematized by two senior digital marketing professionals from powderbrows.io - the digital marketing branch of Powderborws.com Research Center. 

This article offers practical advice to aspiring artists on effectively creating TikTok videos. By leveraging the insights and experiences of established artists, this guide aims to help newcomers navigate the complexities of TikTok video production and optimization, ensuring their content reaches a wider audience and enhances their visibility in the competitive field of pigmentation artistry.

2. TikTok Video Creation

For brow artists venturing into the vibrant world of TikTok, crafting engaging video content can be a significant challenge. This section aims to demystify the video creation process, addressing common concerns expressed by users of Powderbrows.com regarding TikTok content development.

The Challenge Faced by Artists

A common issue among brow artists is the absence of a systematic and structured approach to content creation. This challenge is somewhat expected, as the traits that often lead to success in the pigmentation industry - openness and creativity - don't always align with the disciplined structure needed for content development. This lack of a structured approach is a frequent obstacle for many creative individuals, hindering their ability to produce compelling content consistently.

To become effective content creators on TikTok, brow artists must balance their innate creativity and a disciplined, structured approach to video production. Developing a well-organized schedule for creating videos is crucial, allowing artists to harness their creative energies while maintaining the consistency and quality necessary to captivate and grow their audience on this dynamic platform.

The Proven Model: Three-Part Process

Creating TikTok videos essentially boils down to three phases - Planning, Filming, and Editing. The following sections will delve into each one, providing practical tips and insights to elevate your TikTok marketing strategy.

3. Planning

Schedule 1/3 Time for Planning

Creating TikTok videos begins with planning, a crucial yet frequently overlooked phase. Many artists bypass this stage, often wasting time and missing creative opportunities. It's advisable to allocate roughly one-third of your total video creation time to planning, as this investment significantly enhances the efficiency and quality of the final product.

An essential point to remember is that each minute spent on planning can save multiple minutes during editing. Unplanned filming generates a surplus of unusable footage, complicating and prolonging the editing process. Conversely, thorough planning ensures a focused shoot, yielding content that is more likely to be used.

The Initial Step: Deciding the Type of Content

Determining the content type is your first step in planning your TikTok video. Whether participating in a challenge, leveraging a trending effect, engaging with a recent trend, providing educational content, showcasing humor or creativity, or promoting sales, clarity in your content's purpose is key. Avoid blending too many categories; a trend-based video, for example, might not double effectively as evergreen educational content.

Drawing Inspiration from Industry Leaders

Seeking inspiration is a vital part of content planning. Observe what top figures in the brow industry are doing on TikTok. As of 2024, brow artists relatively untapped the platform, offering a unique opportunity for new entrants. Extend your research beyond brow-specific content to include beauty influencers and stars from other niches. Their successful content strategies could spark ideas for your next hit video.

Structured Approach

Successful TikTok artists often employ a structured approach to content ideation. Many create a detailed table categorizing each video type, consulting samples before developing their original concepts. This method doesn't involve copying but systematically analyzing what types of videos have succeeded and noting relevant keywords. This structured strategy aids in formulating an initial idea and overall concept for each video, emphasizing the importance of a methodical and well-organized approach to content creation.

4. Filming

Allocating 1/3 of the Time for Filming

The next crucial phase in video creation is filming, to which allocating another third of your total video creation time is recommended. Before hitting the record button, it's essential to have a clear structure planned out for your video. If your video includes dialogue or narration, practice your lines in front of a mirror several times to ensure smooth delivery. Writing down the main points you intend to cover can help keep your content focused and ensure you don’t miss any crucial information.

The "Less is More" Principle

Regarding your video's content, embracing the "less is more" principle can be highly beneficial. Consider condensing them or dividing the content into multiple videos if you have more than five key points. Keeping your content concise helps maintain clarity and makes it easier for your audience to understand and engage with your message.

Don't hesitate to redo takes during filming if you spot mistakes or if the delivery could be improved. Often, reshooting a segment results in a much better outcome than using a flawed or less emotionally impactful take. Be decisive about the quality of your footage—if a clip doesn't meet your standards, it's better to delete it immediately. This approach maintains the quality of your content and streamlines the editing process, saving you valuable time later on.

5. Magic Ingredient: Emotion

The essence of creating engaging TikTok content lies in the emotion conveyed through your video. A dull or overly serious presentation is not regarded as professional on TikTok; instead, it's perceived as lacking. Authentic emotion is key, except when a stoic demeanor is employed for comedic or ironic effect. Videos infused with genuine laughter, enthusiasm, and passion invariably outshine those who rely on a meticulously crafted script delivered without emotional warmth.

Generating Emotion

Achieving the right emotional tone is crucial for standout TikTok content. Seasoned pigmentation artists recommend several techniques to elicit the desired emotional state.

  • Warm-up Exercises. Motion catalyzes emotion. Physical activities like dancing, jumping, or a brief run can reduce rigidity and infuse vibrancy and energy into your performance.
  • Imagining it First. Visualize your audience engaging with and enjoying your content. This positive visualization fosters enthusiasm and boosts confidence, setting a positive tone for your video.
  • Affirmations and Incantations. Reciting positive affirmations before recording can significantly enhance your confidence and energy levels. While it might initially feel odd (especially in public places), affirmations can prime you for an upbeat performance.
  • Singing and Listening to Upbeat Music. Music profoundly influences our mood. Listening to a lively track can energize you, imbuing your content with a dynamic spirit. The melody and lyrics of songs that have previously empowered you can be particularly effective in rekindling those energized states.
  • Practicing. Consistent practice refines your skills and boosts your comfort level, allowing your natural charisma to shine through in your videos. This doesn't detract from the authenticity of your content; rather, practice enhances your delivery. Many artists attest that rehearsing in front of a mirror improves their on-camera presence.

Avoiding rationalization

In simple terms, as many experienced artists emphasize, there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to eliciting emotion. Finding a personal strategy that resonates with you is crucial. Regardless of your age or comfort level with new experiences, stepping out of your comfort zone is often necessary to achieve the right mindset.

For TikTok videos, emotional engagement is more impactful than polished professionalism. Artists transitioning from platforms like Instagram may need to adjust their approach, focusing more on emotional expression than strict professionalism. Regardless of how introverted you consider yourself, finding and conveying genuine emotion is indispensable for success on TikTok. There's simply no substitute for the emotional connection, making it a non-negotiable aspect of content creation on this platform.

6. Editing

Batch Filming and Editing

In the final section of our practical guide, we focus on an effective content editing strategy. TikTok's dynamic nature demands a swift content production pace to stay aligned with its ever-evolving trends.

Batch Filming and Editing

Consider preparing a week's or even a month's content in a single session, depending on your posting frequency. While creating content for TikTok may seem daunting initially, it's important to remember that videos on this platform do not require high levels of polish. Aim for having 10-20 clips ready for the upcoming week. This approach might appear challenging initially, but with consistent practice, you'll find yourself adept at efficiently generating large volumes of content.

Experienced artists highly recommend batch editing. This method enhances the quality of your videos and allows for experimenting with various editing styles, ultimately streamlining the production process into an efficient "clip mill." Artists report that this strategy enables them to explore different filters, background music, and effects across multiple clips. It also eliminates the repetitive setup time for editing and the need to recall the details of several clips filmed separately. Whether editing on a computer or a phone, accessing various clip sources facilitates the mixing and matching clips, incorporating engaging intros and outros and producing superior content more swiftly and effectively.

7. Practical Suggestions

Prioritizing Quantity Over Quality

In the realm of TikTok, the secret to effective editing and content creation aligns with the platform's preference for frequency. TikTok's environment is designed to favor more content production at a consistent pace. While the desire to craft a flawless video is understandable, focusing on maintaining a regular posting schedule is more beneficial. Embracing quantity over quality without sacrificing your content's core message and integrity helps you engage more effectively with TikTok's algorithm and expand your reach.

Avoiding Over-editing

As you become more familiar with content creation, you'll learn to identify the "good enough" standard, which will help reduce your editing time. The goal is to produce captivating content efficiently, ensuring it remains engaging and true to your message.

Ride the Wave

Adapting to TikTok's rapid pace and engaging with current trends is crucial. Rather than aiming to release a single, highly polished video weekly, focus on consistent engagement and leveraging trending topics. Regular posting is vital for success on this platform, ensuring your Powder Brows services gain the visibility they deserve.

Observations from Seasoned Brow Content Creators

Interestingly, many experienced artists report that their most successful videos often underwent less editing and were not meticulously perfected. These videos, which captured genuine, spontaneous moments or emotions, resonated more with audiences, leading to higher engagement on TikTok.

While it's impossible to plan for serendipitous moments that make content stand out, the key lies in creating more content with a blend of planning and creative freedom. This approach allows for unexpected, exciting elements to emerge naturally. Minimizing over-editing to preserve the authenticity of these moments can be the magical ingredient that propels a video to go viral.

8. Conclusions

To thrive on TikTok within the brow business, artists should embrace a blend of systematic planning and spontaneous creativity. Dedicate one-third of your video creation process to planning, ensuring content is structured yet flexible enough to adapt to TikTok's fast-paced trends. Regularly engage in batch filming and editing to maintain a consistent posting schedule, aiming to prepare 10-20 clips weekly. This approach allows efficient content production and ensures readiness to capitalize on trending moments.

Emphasize emotion over perfection in your videos. Authenticity resonates more with audiences than highly polished content. Incorporate genuine laughter, enthusiasm, and passion to make your content more engaging. Experiment with editing techniques in batch sessions to discover what best enhances your message, keeping edits minimal to preserve the video's authenticity.

Stay attuned to TikTok's dynamic environment by frequently posting and engaging with trends rather than focusing solely on crafting the perfect video. Seasoned artists reveal that less meticulously edited videos that capture authentic moments often perform better. Embrace creative freedom, allowing for unplanned and exciting content that could go viral. Prioritize creating more content with an open, creative mindset to maximize your success on the platform.
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Friday, Feb 02, 2024

Sweet and useful stuff presented in a very easy to understand way. I appreciate such approach.

Friday, Feb 02, 2024

I was actually searching for other things, and stumbled upon this site and I can totally say that this is the absolutely best source for everything about powder brows and related stuff.

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