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What skills does the starting artist need?

Jan 29, 2024, Update: Jan 29, 2024, author: Powderbrows.com / Holistic PMU
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"Embarking in the brow business during 2024-2025 requires more than just basic knowledge - mastering three crucial skill sets. In this enlightening piece, we delve into these key skill sets candidly, hoping to equip you for success in this ever-evolving industry."

1. Background

This article draws from interviews with 54 pigmentation artists involved in research projects of the Powderbrows.com Research Center. These artists, skilled in providing powder brows, among other procedures, have found success in the pigmentation field. The majority, 47 artists, are based in the European Union, with five in the UK and two in the US. Additionally, the interview observations have been edited and systematized by two senior digital marketing professionals from powderbrows.io, the digital marketing branch of Powderbrows.com Research Center. 

This article offers practical advice for beginning artists and explains the skill sets that have been beneficial for starting a career in the pigmentation business.

2. Embracing Uncertainty

Becoming a Powder Brows Artist

Starting a powder brows artist career is like beginning an exciting journey of self-discovery. This path often includes facing and overcoming self-doubt, uncertainty, and the daunting question: "Will I succeed or fail?”

It's important to recognize that this concern is not exclusive to this profession; it's a common fear for anyone starting a new venture. While no career offers guaranteed success, your commitment and dedication can greatly impact your success rate in the pigmentation industry, including powder brows.

The Yoda Principle - The Power of Commitment

In cinema, a famous quote from Yoda in Star Wars captures a powerful concept: "Do or do not. There is no try." This statement is a profound lesson in commitment and the importance of dedicating oneself entirely to a goal. For aspiring Powder Brows artists, this means fully committing to the profession, immersing in training, continuously learning new techniques, and consistently aiming for improvement.

The research underlines the importance of commitment in achieving success. A study from the University of California, Berkeley, revealed that individuals committed to their goals are 50% more likely to attain them than those just interested. This commitment is evident through the time dedicated, resilience against setbacks, and ongoing efforts to improve skills.

The Elephant in the Room: Client Acquisition Post PMU-Apocalypse

A significant obstacle emerges as we delve into the challenges of starting a career in powder brows. It's a major concern that, regardless of an artist's skill level, there might not be enough clients to support a thriving practice. This issue goes beyond just technique and skill; it's linked to the wider context of the global economy in the post-Coronavirus era, a situation some refer to as the PMU Apocalypse.

The years 2023 - 2025 are marked by the aftermath of the global health crisis and its economic consequences. The pandemic's ripple effects and broad economic shifts caused by extensive money printing and global financial challenges forge a unique environment for those embarking on a career during this period.

Three Skillsets a Modern Brow Artist Has to Master

Certain key skill sets are essential to thrive in today's brow business. We will examine three critical skills that modern brow artists need for success:

  • Skills in creating Powder Brows or Hairstrokes, 
  • Skills in documenting and storing one's work and 
  • Skills in modern Social Media Marketing.

Let's explore each of these areas to understand their importance.

3. First Skillset: Creating Brows

Mastering the art of brow shaping and enhancement is undeniably the backbone of your success in this field. Here's a closer look at what it entails:

Technical Proficiency

This is where the hands-on skills come into play. You must create the perfect brow shape that suits each client's face and style. It is crucial to understand different techniques, such as Powder Brows and Microblading, and know when to use them. It's about the artistry and precision that goes into each stroke, creating a natural, flattering look that boosts your clients' confidence. Additionally, this concerns information about the tools, supplies, pigments, and all related to brow creation.

Continuing Education

The beauty industry is ever-evolving, with new trends and techniques always emerging. Keeping your skills up to date is essential. Invest in ongoing training and professional development to stay ahead of the curve. Learn from industry leaders, attend online and offline seminars, participate in workshops, and use online resources.

Health and Safety Knowledge

This is non-negotiable. You must have a thorough understanding of hygiene standards and infection control. It's essential to protect both your clients and yourself. You have to know enough about the local rules and regulations and enough details to provide all phases of the service professionally.

Today, becoming a brow artist is more accessible than ever. Various training programs are available, both online and in-person, at a wide range of prices. You can acquire the skills to start your own brow business with a modest investment.

It's important to remember that success in the brow business, as in any profession, doesn't come overnight. It's about building your skills, learning from your experiences, and striving to improve. The journey may be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. However, while this first portion of the skills is undoubtedly necessary, it is no longer sufficient.

4. Second Skillset: Presenting your work

This involves more than merely clicking photographs of your work. It requires an understanding of aesthetics, composition, and the technical nuances of photography to create visually appealing and professional-grade pictures and videos.

Photography and Videography

While taking pictures, ensure you use good lighting conditions to capture your work's most authentic and flattering representation. You can invest in a high-quality camera, but even a modern smartphone with a high-resolution camera can do the job. When taking videos, remember to keep them short, engaging, and detailed. Video content is increasingly popular on social platforms and can help you show the process of your work, which clients find quite appealing.

Before and After Combinations

These compelling tools showcase your work's transformation and effectiveness. The secret lies in ensuring that the 'before' and 'after' images are taken under similar lighting and angle conditions for an accurate comparison.

Photo Retouching

This involves using software tools to enhance image quality and make your clients look their best. However, remember to keep the touch-ups subtle to maintain the integrity and authenticity of your work.

Creating Engaging Content

This could include behind-the-scenes footage, client testimonials, and educational content about brow care. By sharing engaging and diverse content, you can create a rich visual narrative that invites potential clients to trust your expertise and envision themselves in your chair.

Those are the principal parts of the second skill set. Artists are nowadays unable to mage with just excellent technical skills of creating brows, understanding the second skill set is crucial. 

5. Third skillset: Digital Marketing skills

Social media and search engine marketing are evolving rapidly, and you must keep up with the trends to stay relevant. Here are some key areas to focus on.

Inbound Funnels

These are strategies designed to attract potential clients to your brand by providing valuable content and experiences tailored to their needs and interests. You'll need to understand how to create and optimize landing pages, blog posts, social media content, and email newsletters to draw customers to your services.

Automated Targeting

With automated targeting, you can use AI tools to identify and reach out to potential clients based on their interests, behavior, and demographics. This requires understanding different AI tools and how to use them effectively.

Social Media Platform Analysis

This involves tracking your social media performance, understanding which posts generate the most engagement, and adjusting your strategy accordingly.

Understanding Different Social Media Platforms

The growth potential, audience demographics, and content preferences vary between platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Tailoring your content strategy to each platform's unique characteristics can boost your reach and engagement.

Advertisement Strategy

Running ads can boost your visibility and reach on social media. However, it's crucial to understand where, when, and how to run ads. Additionally, learning how to analyze ad performance and tweak your strategy based on data can yield better returns on your ad spend.

Building Links and Growing Authority

This involves strategies to increase your website's credibility and visibility in search engine results, such as acquiring backlinks from reputable sites, creating high-quality content, and optimizing your website's technical SEO.

Utilizing AI Tools

AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data to provide valuable insights and automate tasks. Learning how to use these tools can help streamline your marketing efforts and make them more effective.

Combining Online and Offline Marketing

While online marketing can reach a vast audience, offline marketing can help create a local presence. This can include strategies like local SEO, attending community events, or collaborating with local businesses.

Generating Referral Systems

A strong referral system can turn your happy clients into brand ambassadors. Offering incentives like discounts or free services for referrals can encourage your existing clients to spread the word about your services.

By mastering these skill sets, you can navigate the changing landscape of the brow business and set yourself up for sustained success. This portion of the skills is becoming increasingly more important than the other two.

6. What will happen in brow business

The First Skillset - Becoming Elementary

The most important issue is that the first portion of the skillset is becoming increasingly easier to learn and master. It is relevant but not sufficient anymore. The skills and material to learn are more accessible than ever. Everyone can start as a "Powder Brows artist" or a "microblading artist, " and almost everyone will. This portion of the skills can not be outsourced - you must create the brows for clients yourself; there is no other way. 

Therefore, the technical ability to create outstanding Powder Brows or Microblading is still relevant but has become more accessible. The beauty industry is saturated with artists, so you must consistently deliver exceptional results to distinguish yourself.

The Second Skillset - On Public Domain and Outsourceable

The second skill set has also become increasingly important over time. However, over 2022-2023, this has partly become outsourceable, especially regarding retouching services, before-and-after pictures, and video post-production. 

However, although aspects of this skillset, such as photo retouching, can now be outsourced or automated through apps and services, it's still crucial that you maintain a hands-on approach. High-quality, consistent content is key, and that starts with you. Also, it is safe to say that the first skillset without the second is seriously handicapped and loses in competition. 

The Third Skillset - Key to Success

The third skill set is novel and fast developing. It requires no longer knowledge about the brows or traditional marketing. It requires rather more complicated knowledge related to analytics and programming, not so much to eyebrows.

And this is where things get tricky. The rise of digital marketing has led to a complex web of strategies and tools that can be overwhelming, especially for those whose expertise lies elsewhere. From understanding search engine optimization and conversion rates to growing your social media presence, this skill set requires a whole new level of knowledge and skills. At Powderbrows.com, we've spent years mastering these strategies, analyzing data, and figuring out what truly works for the brow business.

The biggest challenge with this third skill set is that while it can be outsourced, finding a competent professional or agency who understands the specific needs of the brow business and who doesn't charge more than your profits allow is difficult. It is rather impossible economically.

That's where we come in. At Powderbrows.com, we've developed an accessible pathway for you to acquire these critical social marketing skills step by step without breaking the bank. We're here to guide you on this journey so you can confidently navigate the brow business's intricacies and grow your career to new heights.

7. Conclusions

As we navigate the modern landscape of the brow business, we're witnessing a significant shift in the balance of power. "Old school" academies, focusing predominantly on the practical artistry of Powder Brows or Microblading, are finding themselves outpaced by those who understand the importance of the second and third skillsets we've outlined.

While technical proficiency remains crucial, it's no longer the sole determinant of success. Artists who may have started with a basic grasp of practical skills but possess strong capabilities in showcasing their work and effectively leveraging digital marketing are pulling ahead. As they accrue more opportunities and clients, they refine their craft and solidify their position in the industry.

On the other hand, artists who excel in the practical aspect but lack the skills to effectively document their work and navigate the complexities of social media marketing often find themselves in a state of "aggressive waiting." Unable to gain traction in a rapidly changing digital environment, they risk becoming economically unsustainable.

This is the reality of the brow business as we progress through the years 2023-2025. Adapting to these changes and embracing the need for a more comprehensive skillset is vital for any artist seeking to thrive in this new era.
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Tuesday, Jan 30, 2024

I totally get it and it is so true, because now everything is online and digital marketing is like the most important thing.

Monday, Jan 29, 2024

It is very interesting to read different perspectives and this article is definitely one of them, and as a starting artist I totally agree.

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